Ludinovo site
Ludinovo site is located in the south of the region
km to Ludinovo
The maximum rent for a land plot is 2% of its cadastral value per year. The final rent shall be determined by applying reduction factors:
Resident’s capital investments | Reduction factor |
120 million rubles and more | 0,9 |
240 million rubles and more | 0,7 |
360 million rubles and more | 0,5 |
As of 2021, the cadastral value of land at the Ludinovo site for 1 sq. m is 157.55 rubles. Rent without a reduction factor is equal to 3.15 rubles per 1 sq. m. m per year.
Capital investment | Rent, rub. per 1 sq. m per year |
120 million rubles and more | 2,84 |
240 million rubles and more | 2,2 |
360 million rubles and more | 1,58 |
After registration of ownership rights to real estate objects built by an investor on a land plot within the boundaries of the SEZ, it is possible to buy it out in accordance with Article 35 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation. The cost of purchasing a land plot is 25% of the cadastral value of the land plot. As of 2021, the cost of buying 1 sq. m at the Ludinovo site is 39.39 rubles.
Location | Ludinovo 11 km |
Land category | Industrial purpose |
Nearby settlements | Lyudinovo, Kirov, Bryansk |
Nearby railway stations | Lyudinovo 1, Lyudinovo 2 |
Nearby airports | Bryansk 94km, Kaluga 171km, Vnukovo 292km, Domodedovo 320km |
Nearby federal highways | А-130 60km, М-3 23km |
Download the resident’s inquiry form
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